Thinking Networks - the Large and Small of it

I have written one book that looks at adding Artificial Intelligence to a network-like structure. The book is titled 'Thinking Networks - the Large and Small of it' (2008 - 2010). The topics covered span from large global networks to small local neural-like ones. The book makes a comparison of the knowledge-based, or experience-based ways, of adding intelligence to the system.

Cover by

This book is mainly a research monograph, but it also contains blue sky research sections and also some informative or teaching sections. It tries to cover research areas that look at adding autonomous or reasoning capabilities to information networks. It would be of interest to both academic or industrial researchers looking to build intelligent networks. For example, the telecommunications sector might want to add intelligent services to the Internet or to a mobile environment. The suggested architecture however could be used to build networks that range in size from large-scale Internet-based networks to small local neural network-like structures, and ultimately offers an architecture on which to build a network that might even begin to 'think'. Some of the research has been proven, while the more ambitious claims or suggestions are for future research.

The book covers areas such as the AI (including Autonomous systems, Intelligent, Cognitive or Neural Network-like systems, and Bio-inspired networks), Internet/p2p/mobile networks, Knowledge management, SOA, Semantic Networks (Semantic Web, Ontologies, Web Services, Grid), XML-based languages and query processes. The technologies that are described in this book are also related to the new 'Cloud Computing' environment.

There is also a related open source software package (licas) written in Java that can be used to build service-based networks.

Book Summary

It is clear today how much people are dependent on digital information sources, where networks are the prevalent organisational structure. As this dependency grows then so will the demand for a higher quality of information, where we are now moving into a service-based environment. This book describes different aspects of such an environment and is both important and timely for future Internet-based or mobile information networks. It considers specifically how intelligence can be added to these networks and what added benefits the intelligence might bring. For example, can a network intelligently optimise the services that it provides, or work out how to solve a more difficult task for a user?

This book is mainly a research monograph, but it also contains blue sky research sections and also some informative or teaching sections. The book covers areas such as Artificial Intelligence (including Autonomous systems; Intelligent, Cognitive or Neural Network-like systems, and Bio-inspired networks), Internet/p2p/mobile networks, Knowledge management, SOA, Semantic Networks (Semantic Web, Ontologies, Web Services, Grid), XML-based languages and query processes.

The second half of the book discusses some research ideas undertaken by the author. These are in the areas of self-organisation and reasoning, through the bio-inspired methods of stigmergy and reinforcement learning. The research proposes different levels of reasoning that can be performed over an information network and would be of interest to both academic or industrial researchers looking to build these intelligent systems. The suggested architecture however could be used to build networks that range in size from large-scale Internet-based networks to small local neural network-like structures, and ultimately offers an architecture on which to build a network that might even begin to 'think'.

Read Online

You can read an online version of the book here.