Licas Modules
Information for additional modules is available here, including the jar file download. You can write an external module and load it into the All-in-One GUI through the procedures described below. The GUI has been written to allow for the service and test platforms to be configurable. This means that you can plug one class or method into another one, instead of relying on pre-configured setups only. The GUI therefore has a configuration file that stores its config settings and any external modules that it wants to use. You can declare config settings through the GUI's Service Factory form, but you can also declare them in the code of an external module. The module class is then run when the GUI is initialised and its config added to the GUI's config script. The steps described here are for a module that has been declared in the code, where a user would then have a minimal number of operations to add and use it in their own GUI. Always check the module version number, in case it needs to be installed again, but that is simply an overwrite of the existing version.
For installing these modules, the sequence of steps described below show how easy it is to add the external module to your GUI config.
Binary File Reading Module (version 1.5.2)
This module can be used by the Web Query service to read binary text files. It is a larger download that uses the Apache POI and JPod third-party jars. The system does not read the jar completely, so click 'OK' when asked to reference it only.
You can download the binary file reader here.
Problem Solver Simmetrics Module (version 1.6)
This module allows some of the Simmetrics package string comparison functions to be used by the problem solver modules. You can click 'yes' when asked to copy dependency jars as well.
You can download the simmetrics module here.
Installation Instructions
To install the module, you can perform the following. This is specifically for the 'licasModule1' download and folder, relating to Module1 above:
Unzip the download to some folder. Open the All-in-One GUI and immediately open the Service Factory form using the toolbar button.

Go to the bottom of the Service factory form, where there are the Service Module and Icons buttons.

Click the Manage... button for the 'Service Module' Service Factory group box. This opens up the modules form, from where you can add a new module. From the 'External Modules' form, click the left-most Add... button and browse to where you have unzipped the 'licasModule1' folder. Select the jar file and when asked if you want to copy it to the modules folder, select 'Yes'.

A service typically has its own custom icon and so you need to load this in as well. Click the Manage... button for the 'Icons' Service Factory group box. This opens up the icons form, from where you can add a new icons. From the 'Service Icons' form, click the left-most Add... button in the 'Add / Remove Icons' group box and browse to where you have unzipped the 'licasModule1' folder. Select the icon file and when asked if you want to copy it to the resources folder, select 'Yes'. The resources folder is not in 'licasData' but in the root installation directory, but this is where the default icons are saved.

The new module name is added to the main config and saved. You then need to close the Service Factory form and the main GUI. When you re-start the GUI, then new details can be read. You can load in the default config as normal and a new service called 'Search Text' should be available from the Services Panel.

You can then select and run this service in the same way as the other services.